August 21, 2009
Hello Everyone. It’s me, Wimsey coming to you from my heavily air conditioned perch on Manhattan’s humidity laden Upper West Side. The weather has been frankly disgusting this week and for a Hound to find something disgusting is saying a lot.
And instead of a long Sunday walk in the park I got a long bath in the tub which, in spite of being fed a quarter pound of roast turkey during the proceedings, was not at all a happy substitute. And given that my regular bath is usually an evening affair, my human Maria and her friend
Elizabeth were at a loss to entertain themselves whilst I slowly air dried. The usual post bath cocktail drinking was deemed inadvisable given that a late afternoon park perambulation was still to come. So they settled on trying (with an emphasis on trying) to read the Sunday papers, little realizing how difficult this could be in the presence of a bored, wet Hound. I got to display my virtuoso newspaper pouncing skills which greatly impressed Maria as she usually reads the stuff online.

But the good news is that at least for a few days the ladies were relieved of the obligation of apologizing for my stink to the hordes of aspiring Hound petters. It’s been all “He s
mells, he’ll drool all over you and he’s going to steal your water bottle. Still want to pet him?” But due to the hideous weather my walks and hence my interaction with the public have been somewhat curtailed as my humans have been less than eager to hang about dripping with sweat and chatting about me . And my cooling coat seems to have become permanently affixed to my fur --but I suppose it’s better than the trail of humidity soaked clothing that my human Maria leaves behind when we come in from a walk. As for Elizabeth, after walking me she walks straight into the shower. But it is all part of the privilege of being a New Yorker and taking care of He Who Must Be Walked A Lot.

West Side Hound
I’m living with a human named Maria
And suddenly she’s found
How disgusting a Hound
Can be
I’m living with a human named Maria
I fling drool in her face
And stink up her place
And produce gallons of pee
I’m living with a human named Maria
And suddenly that name
Sounds so inane
When bayed by me
Bay it soft and you’ve aroused her fears
Of what you have done
I’m living with a human named Maria
Her life will never be the same
(I crush her bones
And eat her phones)
And she can put the blame
I’ll never stop annoying Maria
I’m the most persistent Hound
That she could have found
Poor Maria
And on Wednesday we had a rip snorting thunderstorm that downed many peeable trees in Central Park and Riverside Parks

The Wimsey Classic Hound Show
Ring One:
Open Jumper
Backyard fences
Baby gates 3’ and under (novice)
Baby gates 3’ and up (senior)
Returning humans 5’6” and under (novice)
Returning humans over 5’6” (senior)
Miscellaneous obstacles (including indoor and outdoor furniture and small children)
Ring Two:
Field Hunter Rodent (deceased)
Field Hunter Rodent (live)
Field Hunter Garbage (unbinned)
Field Hunter Garbage (binned)
Field Hunter Picnic
Field Hunter: Miscellaneous Repulsive Mystery Material
Field Hunter V-8 Skunk Challenge Cup
Indoor Sandwich Hunter
Indoor Family Dinner Hunter (cooked)
Indoor Family Dinner Hunter (raw)
Indoor Dirty Panties Hunter
Indoor Miscellaneous Dirty Laundry Hunter
Indoor Hunter: American Express All Possessions Challenge Cup
Green Hound
Maiden Landscaper (holes)
Maiden Landscaper (ornamental bushes)
Maiden Landscaper (flower beds)
Maiden Landscaper (yellow garden gnome creation)
Senior Moonscaping Home Depot Challenge Cup (fence chewers also eligible)
Ring 4:
Puppy Indoor Peeing (hardwoods)
Puppy Indoor Peeing (carpets)
Puppy Indoor Peeing (valuable Oriental Rugs)
Puppy Indoor Poop Hiding (behind couch
Puppy Indoor Poop Hiding (under bed)
Puppy Open Humper
Puppy Open Chewer (furniture)
Puppy Open Chewer (clothing)
Puppy Open Chewer (electronics)
Puppy Open Chewer (hands)
Valium Challenge Cup: All around worst behaved puppy
Ring 5:
Novice Don’t Look at Me I Was Sleeping
Novice It Just Fell Over By Itself
Novice It just Happened, I Don’t Know How
Novice Are You Sure Your Shoes Didn’t Come Like That

Novice I Have An Evil Twin
Novice Clothes With Holes Are the New Black
Novice You Did That Yourself
Novice What Steak I Didn’t See Any Steak
Anyway I think the Wimsey Classic would be a very glamorous event and be way more entertaining than watching horses jumping over fences. And speaking of glamour, it is time once again for us to visit the Wimsey Institute of Houndish Art where we

Well that’s it for this week. Let’s hope for a change in the weather around here. I will be making my ritual supplication to the Hound Gods (hint: it involves a lot of leg lifting).
Until next time,
LOVELY DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Wimsey!
I hope you get better weather and come back to your usual walks! Great pictures! You are so photogenic!
Stay cool buddy!
A beautiful dog and a fine writer! Try to stay cool, Mr. Hound.
Here's hoping for cooler weather for you Wimsey. We had a couple of days of rain here, but today is looking good, I hope it's headed your way. There was dense fog this morning. I think fog makes a loud bay echo even more!
You look a bit distraught there in the tub. I sure hope there was some turkey on the way soon!
We're all enjoying your twitter updates too!
Wimsey, your wondrous Wimsey wrinkle is just amazing. The bath did not look like fun at all. Got my ears cleaned today, which I don't mind. Then Mom sprayed Bernie's teeth to get rid of plaque--he HATES it and is very upset afterwards. He does smell minty fresh, though... Anyway, we hope the humidity will end soon--it's really quite awful. We were wet and smelly hounds today and bravely went for a walk as it was starting to storm.
We know how awful it can be when it is furry hot outside. You should have spent the summer with us cuz it has been really cool here, not much of a summer at all...sigh.
Come on over today and help us get the word out to the Eagles about Mr. Vick! We has a furry im-paw-tant bloggy post taday!
Wimsey, I think you have a future on the Great White Way (that would be MY street but I'll share...) with your West Side Hound Story.
I think I could give you a run for several of those events, and ace one of my own: Novice Covering Clothes in Drool and Fur Especially White Fur on New Yorkers Who Insist on Wearing Black Including My Momma.
I have a lot of catching up to do - sorry I've been so out of it lately. My Momma is just getting to posting stuff that happened LAST MONTH. so. lame.
OMD... not a bath! I love your tribute to Maria... hilarious!!!
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