August 13, 2010
Hello Everyone, Wimsey here coming to you from Manhattan’s Upper West Side where the summer heat and humidity are hanging on with the tenacity of a Hound with the stolen Sunday roast. And it is Friday 13th today to boot! I always expect good luck to come to me on these days since as a Hound I specialize in all things oppositional and contrarian.

Well the big news around here is that my human Maria, assisted by her

During my recent road trip I amazed and astonished the world with this supposed well behaved-ness puzzling my humans until they realized that of course I was well behaved—no one told me I couldn’t do anything that I wanted to do. Mystery solved. And with respect to all things that matter to the outside world—house soiling and indoor baying for instance—I am exceedingly well behaved. However, with respect to all things that matter to those who have to live with me I am most decided
ly not. After all, it doesn’t bother the neighbors when I stick my nose in people’s food or fling drool in my human’s faces or snuffle them in the middle of the night with a wet muzzle or strongly insist that whichever way they want to walk I want to walk the opposite way, etc., etc. and more etc. (my fine Houndly attributes being too numerous to list).

Well if things don’t pick up on the real estate front the ladies are thinking of launching a contest to Fin

And speaking of picking up, I realized last week that I omitted to discuss the crucial last step of my road trip—the de-Hounding of the rental car. Now my humans pride themselves on their ability to eradicate all traces of me from b

1) use many rolls of wide clear exceedingly sticky packing tape to pick up hair from car interior
2) use a stiff suede brush and/or Resolve to remove drool stains from upholstery (the ladies long for cars upholstered in drool resistant Plether, but so far no luck)
3) remove drool stains from non-upholstered surfaces with Simple Green, Windex or similar
4) Go over car with hand held vacuum
6) Consume a large cocktail. (It's astonishing how many activities involving me require the consuming of a large cocktail).
Of course it does help that my humans also drape the interior of the car with sheets, which in addition to keeping at least some Hound hair at bay, provides a nice, soft surface for the delicate Wimsey posterior.
Anyway, questions of real estate have proven so all consuming that I barely have had any time to catch up on the news. But I, like everyone else in the world, did read about the Jet Blue flight attendant who quit his job in a rather spectacular fashion. It made me think about:
The Jet Blue Invitational Dog Show

Judge: You in the butt ugly green clothes with the big t***. Don’t keep me the f*** waiting. Bring that big black and tan s**-o*-*-b**** over here.
Elizabeth: You do realize that calling Wimsey a son-of-a bitch is not an insult right?
Judge: None of your f****** lip b****. And speaking of lip where the f*** is your drool rag?! The son of a bitch slimed me!
Elizabeth: Sorry about that but Wimsey can produce a pint of drool in a nanosecond. It’s one of his many special talents.
Judge: Well clearly keeping his f****** feet in one place is not. He’s a piece of s*** as a show dog.
Elizabeth: I wouldn’t say those words too loudly—Wimsey might provide a visual demonstration. Drool is not the only thing he has a prodigious capacity to produce.
Judge: Yeah, well if he does t
hat I’m gonna f****** excuse his a**. Not a bad looking Hound though. I like a dog with f****** big b*******!

Elizabeth: What are bollocks?
Judge: Sorry. I’ve been judging at Crufts too long. In America they’re b****.
Elizabeth: Yes, they are much admired. Too bad points aren’t awarded for nice ones. I’m sure Wimsey’s could win Westminster with them.
.Judge: What the f*** is the big b****** doing that for!
Elizabeth: He always bays his approbation when people admire his testicles.
Elizabeth: Let’s go Wimsey!
Judge: What the f*** kind of a gait do you call that!
Elizabeth: We call it the trop—kind of a combination of a trot and a pace. I’m afraid it’s the closest thing to a trot that he does. I could get him to gallop if you like.
Judge: Shut the f*** up! I don’t want hear or see any more of these f****** Hounds! You can take this s***** job and shove it up you’re a**! I’m outta here. I’m gonna go get a stiff drink and then judge some f****** obedient Golden Retrievers.
Elizabeth: Wimsey, how many times have I told you, p****** on the judge’s leg is not polite!
Well, you get the idea. Of course, I too have a foul mouth—it’s just that it’s filled with slime and miscellane

Until next time,
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