Entry #268
July 6, 2012
Hello Everyone, it’s me Wimsey, coming to you from the continuing
heat wave- on -Hudson extravaganza that is currently occurring on Manhattan’s
Upper West Side. As those of you who
have had any contact with Hounds know, we are a group who are utterly devoted to
our own comfort.
So when offered a choice between going outside in the hot,
humid and baking weather (even or maybe
especially when wearing a cooling coat dripping in cold water) or lying around
(or being pesky) in the cool air conditioning, what do you think we choose? Additionally compelling is the fact that
although my human Maria and her friend Elizabeth don’t much appreciate the heat
either, it is not as vexing to them as me keeping them out in, say, a nice
refreshing rain storm (or hurricane as happened last year) or on some lovely
frigid and blustery night. In short,
going outside in the heat doesn’t even have annoying my humans to recommend
it. In fact it is much more annoying to
them when I try to scuttle between air-conditioned venues without even
bothering to pee or poop.
But there are things that we Hounds can do to alleviate the
torrid conditions currently extant in large parts of the country:
Steal cooling foods like watermelon instead of the more traditional
ones like the Sunday roast
Bat ice cubes around the kitchen floor tripping and knocking
over people actually trying to use the kitchen.
Produce pools of drool throughout the house that are invisible
until someone slips and goes flying (preferably whilst carrying something
Lie in front of the air conditioner vent so that you are
cool but no one else is.
Dig cooling holes all over the garden to correspond with the
shady spots created by the sun’s position.
Dig a hole under the fence in order to take a dip in the
neighbor’s pool.
Demand extra cups of Grom Gelato.
Plaster oneself against the sides of building so one is
always in the shade.
Tow one’s humans to air-conditioned pet stores.
In between the air conditioned pet stores dive into other air-conditioned
stores whether or not you are supposed to be there and then refuse to move.
Lick the frosty sides of beer mugs replacing the cold frost
with warm drool.
Consume a snow cone, preferably one not originally in your
Grab some shade under the tables of people trying to eat at
outdoor cafes.
Put your head in the coolest spot in the house--the inside
of the refrigerator.
Whatever your humans want you to do, do the opposite (this
won’t specifically help with the heat but the fun of doing it will take your
mind off how hot you are).
Personally I like to kill two birds with one stone by towing
my humans to the air conditioned liquor store where they always have snacks for
dogs (especially giant ones who put both paws on the counter and loom over the
clerks’ head in a hungry manner) and where my humans can purchase assorted
antidotes to me.
And although the heat has put the kibosh on numerous plans
to use my little shared backyard to barbecue and hang out, Maria and I have
been using it in the mornings before it gets too hot. She has her coffee and I try to have her
coffee. Our use of the garden is made possible by my relinquishing the habit of
baying furiously whenever the neighbor’s cat appears. (Although my recent friendly overtures towards
her seem to have elicited her best imitation of an Edward Gorey drawing).
But I will persevere (we Hounds excel at persevering)
in my attempt to sniff the cat while Maria will persevere in her attempt to
prevent my nose from getting slashed. But I am sure that the vet bills for a
slashed nose would pale in comparison to my usual ones—my tush now requires anointing
with a special emollient whose cost is the proverbial price beyond pearls. I am not known as the Hound With the Golden
Tush for nothing.
But as with all things seemingly impossible there is a simple explanation: Elizabeth cheats. She ties me to the ceramic soap holder that is cemented into the bathtub wall. This significantly impedes my ability to exit the tub. And before one calls the authorities about the cruel and unusual practice of bathing a Hound who manifestly does not wish to be bathed, I will say in Elizabeth’s defense that she lays on a generous amount of turkey to appease my amour-propre. It is in fact possible to scrub with one hand and to feed turkey with the other.
But of course another way to beat the heat is to go to the
movies. And although the latest crop of summer movies is entertaining I think
that they could be improved:
Wimsey’s Summer
Wimsey (original
title, Ted): In a Christmas miracle of the kind that only happens in the
minds of screenwriters who are short of ideas, John Bennett’s beloved and
adorable stuffed bloodhound comes to life. It turns out that the Hound is indulgent,
entitled, selfish, stubborn, opinionated, relentless, vocal and always gets his
way. He also becomes a roaring success
as a food critic. The ladies love him.
The men want to be him (at least those that aren’t him already). Commitment
phobic John must decide whether or not to stay with his girlfriend but this
becomes a moot point when she decides that if she has to live with someone who
is indulgent, entitled, selfish, stubborn, opinionated, relentless, and who
always gets his way she might as well ditch the guy and get a Hound. They’re a
lot cuter.
Well you get the idea. Anyway, I think I will leave it there
for this week. My humans are hoping that
I will find this evening’s climactic conditions more conducive to excreting
than they were earlier in the day. They
probably are but I do like the sight of the ladies pleading for me to produce
the contents of my bladder and bowel. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Until next time,
Your movie ideas always sound better than the real thing!
The temperatures finally cooled off here just yesterday, so hope those are heading your way. Of course, it won't exactly be chilly, so additional gelato will probably still be required for you.
Climactic conditions? My dog Chelsea knows better than that. So does Bill, the main dog in my book JUST BILL.
Great post! Your dog is so cute!!!
I would like to apologize for my earlier, small-minded quibble about an insignificant linguistic misstep on Wimsey's part. I had not read the full Wimsey Hot-weather Hound Survival Manual, but now that I have, I am filled with admiration. It represents a contribution to canine health and well-being that can't be reduced to dollars and cents. Except perhaps by Wimsey's vet.
Anyway, hats off to the author of this blog, and to all staff members involved. I raise my drool cup to you.
Barry Knister
Silly me. I forgot to add that those who like your blog, Wimsey, might just want to sidle over and lift a leg at barryknister.blogspot.com/ I have subcontracted the actual writing to a staff member, but I do all the heavy lifting in the thought department.
Chelsea Knister
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