Entry #288
December 21, 2012
Hello Everyone, Wimsey here, coming to you from the Upper
West Side of Manhattan which still exists owing to the fact that the world
neglected to terminate itself today. Of course it is possible that the world
did terminate itself today and that no one on the
Upper West Side noticed. Its residents are too
busy battling each other at Fairway, Citarella and Zabars collecting delicious Christmas
comestibles. My human Maria went to Zabars today to join the fray and her
friend (my auxiliary human) Elizabeth spent quite a bit of time in Citarella
This latter visit turned out to be unexpectedly productive
when Elizabeth informed her fish guy Steve (who is really one of my great admirers
despite his propensity to refer to me as a horse) that I was a tad fond of
salmon (I have been known to mow down humans in an attempt to reach a bowl with
salmon in it). As a result of this cozy
piscine chat I have been promised my very own, personal salmon head. My humans will not be permitted to consume any
part of this delectable treat—it is all for me! (“All for me” being one of the
most beautiful phrases in the English language).
But it has been a very busy week around here overall. On Sunday another attempt was made to
photograph me in my seasonal headgear but the enterprise was fortunately once
again completely rained out. And as a bonus I managed to cover myself in mud
which is always a desirable state of affairs. At least for me. I also managed to consume 12 cups of kibble
(I free feed) which meant that for the next 48 hours my humans ran around with
giant reinforced baggies to collect the results.
It’s also been a very successful week in my ongoing struggle
to send Elizabeth (who takes care of me during the day) to the mental health
clinic or to the neighborhood bar. Part
of the problem was her insistence that I pose in my antlers and elf hat---by
the way wouldn’t this make a splendid Christmas picture if only we knew this
guy? His wife was taking the picture as
my photo shoots tend to attract quite a bit of attention—especially the ones
where I try to eat the antlers.
Anyway, a week of Elizabeth trying to get some
acceptable antler and hat shots put me in a rather rambunctious and demanding
mood—principally this took the form of constantly insisting that Elizabeth feed
me my new cheesy snacks of which I am inordinately fond (in addition to my
usual photographic fee of fistfuls of turkey). I also required that my walks be a minimum of
two hours long each day—although getting me out of the park after only two
hours entailed feats of strength worthy of Festivus.
And I once again managed to crash a bride’s wedding
video—she was entering Central Park in full bridal regalia at the park entrance
closest to the lakeside Ladies Pavilion that is a popular spot for weddings.
This also happens to be the park entrance closest to the pedicabs which is a
popular spot for me getting loud. Where
there are pedicabs there are pedicab drivers and where there are pedicab
drivers there is me greeting them with my customary acoustic robustness.
And addition to providing a unique sound
track to the bride’s wedding video, the bride will also be able to visually
admire me for many years to come towing Elizabeth in her direction in the background. Now no event in New York would be complete
without comments from the peanut gallery and in addition to my own modest
contribution a bystander commented (above the din) “Wow! People are still
getting married. What a leap of faith!” in the manner of someone just itching
to provide the bride with the name of a good divorce attorney. A true New York
But before I wholly leave the subject of the antler pictures,
here is one of my favorites. The baying
just somehow negates the whole reindeer effect, doesn’t it? Everyone would
certainly know that Santa was in the house (or at least that his reindeer was
on the roof). In any case, all the obnoxious photographic activity this week induced
a major attack of the “wherever you want to go I want to go somewhere elses”
that my humans find so endearing.
Anyhow, I put on a masterful display of bloodhound nose
prowess this week as well. I took off
cross country in a very determined fashion during Wednesday’s extended park
perambulation causing the trailing Elizabeth to wonder if her friend Nancy was
in the park with her new baby. Nancy may
have been in the park with her new baby but so was a large mound of horse poop,
into which I dove face first. In between
the “I hate you’s” and the dragging me out of the mound of horse poop Elizabeth
had to admit that this was an amazing example of my prodigious olfactory
abilities. What can I say—some use their
powers for good and others use our powers for personal gain. And the personal gain that goes in must come
out. In the case of horse poop it inevitably
comes out as a mess of manure smelling mush.
Not my problem.
Then on Thursday I took off cross country again but this
time I towed Elizabeth out of the 81st Street entrance to the park
and over to Broadway. I had picked up
the wafting scent of the Snack Dispending Jewelry Lady—one of my favorite
neighborhood characters (apart from salmon head Steve, my new BFF). Jewelry Lady sets up her table periodically and
when she does it is well worth a nice, loud visit (even when she is not there
her scent lingers and I usually refuse to move from the spot on the theory that
the scent must eventually produce the human—an offshoot of the theory of
spontaneous generation).
So I carried on
as usual (she had to wipe the drool off of her car when I left) and as is my
custom, I spat out the treats that she offered until I ascertained that no
better ones were forthcoming. Then I
consumed fistfuls of the available ones much to her delight. I love the joy she conveys when she watches
me eat. I want to go to her house for
the holidays.

Finally, yesterday I put on my elf hat and delivered some
gifts (other than my pricey gunky eyes, gunky ears and anal glands) to the
vet’s office. I gave them a selection of
fine chocolates from our neighborhood Jacques Torres store. I am not permitted to eat chocolate but my
human Maria is a connoisseur and she assured Elizabeth and I that they were
very tasty. Elizabeth is not a connoisseur of anything edible, liquids being
more in her line, but that’s probably because she spends too much time with me.
Well Christmas is a very festive season and nowhere more so
than in New York City—the sights (me in my green velvet ruff with bells), the
smells (my splendid Houndy odor) and of course the Sounds (the sound of me
baying because I want to pee on the Christmas trees). But let us look in on Dick and Jane and see
what kind of Christmas they are having:
Dick and Jane’s
See Dick. See Jane. See
Dick’s Christmas tree. Dick’s Christmas
tree is very pretty. Dick’s Christmas tree is decorated with many candy canes.
Dick and Jane like candy canes. Here
comes Dick’s Hound. Dick’s Hound also likes candy canes. See Dick’s Hound eat all the candy canes. “Oh
no!” says Dick. “Oh no,” says Jane. See
Dick’s Hound get sick all over the carpet from eating the candy canes.
See all the presents under the tree. Red boxes and blue boxes and green boxes! Dick
wonders what is in the boxes. Jane wonders what is in the boxes. Dick and Jane will have to wait until
Christmas to find out what is in the boxes. Dick’s Hound also wonders what is
in the boxes. Dick’s Hound will not have
to wait until Christmas to find out what is in the boxes.
See the Christmas antlers.
See Dick put the Christmas antlers on his Hound’s head. See Dick’s Hound
eat the Christmas antlers that Dick has put on his Hound’s head.
See Dick’s Hound get sick all over the carpet from eating
the antlers that Dick has put on his Hound’s head.
See Dick’s Christmas tree. Dick’s Christmas tree is very
beautiful. Dick’s Christmas tree has many branches. Dick likes to look at these branches. Jane likes
to look at these branches. Dick’s Hound also likes these branches. But not to
look at them. Now Dick’s Christmas tree does not have many branches.
See the puddle. See the puddle under Dick’s Christmas tree.
See the yellow puddle under Dick’s Christmas tree. See Dick’s Hound drink water. See Dick’s Hound drink a lot of water. Eating candy canes, antlers, presents and
branches is dehydrating.
See Dick and Jane cry.
The End
Well I think with that moving story I will leave you. The world did not end on December 21st
but it is Thomas Beckett’s birthday.
Tom Beckett is a very relevant guy around here because Elizabeth frequently
calls Maria and says, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent Hound!” By which
she means “your Hound is driving me crazy, come get him immediately!” When
Elizabeth starts quoting Henry II things are very serious indeed and Maria
remembers that it didn’t end too well for Thomas Beckett.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and an
intact Christmas tree.
Until next time,
Wimsey, Santa’s most uncooperative elf
1 comment:
Oh Wimsey, you might be an uncooperative elf,but you are still quite handsome!
Merry Christmas to you and yours from all of us!
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