Entry #319
October 4, 2013
Hello Everyone, it’s me Wimsey, at long last coming to you
from Manhattan’s Upper West Side where I continue to engage in my usual
Houndish shenanigans. I have been remiss
about posting because my human Maria and her friend Elizabeth have been very
engaged in professional matters and naturally require my assistance to not get
things done. Maria took off to Chicago on a business trip for a few days
leaving me in the full time care of Elizabeth; Elizabeth had been up against a
project deadline and needed my help to understand that the importance of making
deadlines pales in comparison to the importance of entertaining me. I deputized
Hedgie my very vocal hedgehog to remind her of this every time she got on an
important phone call. Amazingly, most
people are too polite to ask her about the racket although one day the tables
were turned when a call was interrupted because the caller’s Shih Tzu decided
to try to do battle with a neighbor’s malamute.
Elizabeth magnanimously accepted the caller’s apologies for the
interruption. Fortunately for her Hedgie
and I were having a nap. And when not in the paws of Morpheus, I like to sneak
up on her when she is too engrossed in her computer to notice me and then shove
the keyboard return under the desk and replace it with my head. It never fails to make her jump. Or to
scratch me.
And meanwhile back at Elizabeth’s, I continued my tradition
of climbing into bed with her at 7am, drooling on her face until she wakes up
and then going back to sleep whilst she gets ready for our morning walk. I am then indignant about being woken up when
she is ready and refuse to go out without a suitable interval of belly rubbing
and a liberal application of turkey.

But even though Elizabeth’s couch is uncomfortable, it frequently
comes provisioned with a large number of newspapers which I can appropriate to
make a lovely nest for my nap. And since there is no danger of Elizabeth ever
being able to read these papers since I sit on her and thwack them with my bear
claws when she picks them up, they might as well be put to good use.
Anyway, when Elizabeth finally finished her project I helped
her celebrate by taking her on what she referred to as “an endless walk to
nowhere” because it involved visiting nowhere that she wants to go, like a nice
verdant park but everywhere that I want to go, like the bustling Time Warner
Center at Columbus Circle and a number of scenic far West Side construction
sites that I find exceptionally interesting.
And I know how relaxing she finds it to navigate packed Manhattan
streets with an oversized Hound who is dripping drool and who considers humans
in his way to be inconsequential obstacles to be shoved aside with abandon. It was a wonderful way to celebrate!
And of course I was very pleased when Maria returned from
her trip. But not so pleased that I
allowed her to medicate my ears and my eyes or to make her not have to hide in
the bathroom while Elizabeth medicates my ears and eyes because if she is in
visual range I won’t let Elizabeth do it either or not to demand cookies on our
walks and then to sequentially spit them all out because I want turkey or duck
heart instead. Being pleased to see my human has its limits.
Which brings me to my frequent visits to Lush Cosmetics to
be fed and feted by their accommodating staff.
On my most recent visit my favorite Lush Lady, Jen, materialized with
the requisite bag of cookies and she asked if I could sit. Well this is a ridiculous question: Can I sit? Of course I can sit. Will I sit?
No. Why bother when I get fed treats anyway and obeying a “sit” command is the
thin end of the wedge that could lead to such horrors as “come” and especially
“drop it.” But I am not unreasonable; there is a time and place for everything.
Occasions Upon Which
it is Appropriate to Sit
When it is time to leave the park.
When humans want to go in a direction that I find personally
distasteful, which is any direction in which I am not currently going
When a human is on the couch in a spot I wish to occupy.
When I am at the vet’s and a thermometer or a rubber glove
When I am in the bathtub and it is time to wash my nether
When ointment is put on my tush
When there is an object that my humans want that I can
prevent them from getting
When my bottom is messy or stinky and I can transfer the
problem to a convenient foot or to the freshly laundered sheets protecting the
When I wish to pin a human to a park bench
When there is any circumstance in which my humans don’t want
me to
And although we are now having a bit of Indian summer (and
the AC is on to cool me off) it is the season where my humans replace and
replenish their cooler weather Hounding gear—like ordering a new collection of
t shirts (long sleeved for the fall) to replace all the ones that have those
peculiar stains that won’t wash out.
This year Elizabeth decided to introduce a daring fashion innovation and
purchase corduroy pants which I am greatly looking forward to her wearing. I am already planning all the things that I
can stick between the fabric ribs—drool, dirt, mud, grass, hair, cookie crumbs,
turkey bits and what is known around here as “miscellaneous organic matter of
indeterminate origin “of which I always have a copious supply. It’s going to be a glorious autumn!
Until next time,
Wimsey, a champion sitter
1 comment:
You are an excellent example of perfect bloodhound behavior (do the opposite of what the humans want!)
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