Entry #343
March 8, 2014
Hello Everyone, Wimsey here coming to you from Manhattan’s
Upper West Side where I am not pleased to announce that I have had a Very
Boring Week. In fact, this has been one of THE most boring weeks that I can
remember and as usual it is the fault of my human Maria and her friend
Elizabeth, who have failed utterly to provide suitable entertainment for a
Hound of my fun seeking proclivities. Waiting for spring does not constitute
entertainment, although it seems that we are going to be waiting a while longer
yet, in spite of some mild temperatures that are on their way over the next few
days. All this is by way of saying that there will not be much of a post this
week or many pictures. But let’s review the week anyway, shall we, since any
time that I am absent I get emails inquiring as to whether I’ve come down with
some horrible disease. No one has any imagination--there could be some livelier
reasons for my absences:
I have been abducted by aliens.
I have been abducted by aliens and then returned (I wonder
why?) so am being examined by NASA.
I have been abducted by aliens and injected with nanoprobes
that removed my “personality” and made me so well behaved that I have nothing
to write about.
I have been abducted by aliens and exiled to a planet with
no Internet connection owing to having chewed up their stuff. Or maybe it was
for stealing their food. Or digging up their plants. Or the smell. Or the
drool. Or the hair. Or…
(I do confess, however, that although I have not come down
with a dread disease, I do have an infected toe for which I am taking another
round of expensive antibiotics and my humans did not want me out and about as
much as usual).
But I digress. Now both my humans are tough to please in the
cocktail department because they like drinks that are not sweet and have plenty
of EtOH. As it turns out, mai tai’s,
contrary to their image, fulfill these criteria. So Elizabeth emailed the hotel
where she had her favorite mai tai and they graciously gave her the recipe
which then kicked off a frenzy of mai tai related activities.
Now whereas listening to detailed discussions about mai
tai’s on our walks is an improvement over listening to my humans’ usual
conversations about such subjects as broccoli or quince (I am seriously not
kidding about these conversations), I have a limited tolerance for debates
about 1) how to pronounce “orgeat” 2)
what exactly is “orgeat” 3) where can one obtain “orgeat” 4) why “orgeat” only
comes in giant bottles--- with nary a concern about what “orgeat” smells like and whether I will like
Then there is the matter of procuring orange curacao, which
is also apparently problematic since most stores only carry the blue kind. This
led to extensive discussions about what exactly is the difference between
Triple Sec, Cointreau and Orange Curacao and why orange curacao is the one that
only comes in giant bottles. Amazingly
again, there was no discussion as to which one I would prefer. Then there was
the whole Pineapple Dilemma—is Dole pineapple juice acceptable or does it have
sugar added and is the bottled, organic pulped pineapple juice from Fairway a
better option. Then they downloaded videos of how to make pineapple juice. All
I can say is that the rapt attention with which they watched tutorials on “How
to Juice A Pineapple” should only be reserved for matters related to my health
and comfort. Next there was the frantic scramble for some kind of juicer to
make sweet and sour mix from lemons and limes and a debate about whose
responsibility this should be. So far
the only thing that they managed to purchase: “orgeat.” And this was the
highlight of the week.
But here just so you can see how bad it’s been around here
(if the mai tai’s didn’t convince you):
Wimsey’s Boring Week
in Review
Monday: Monday
disaster struck. Elizabeth was summoned to a Tuesday day of meetings in midtown
for which she needed attire that was conservative and undrooled upon—a tough
ask for someone who spends a lot of time with a bloodhound. She left me alone after our afternoon walk to
shop for these garments where the helpful sales assistant urged her buy the
skintight pencil skirt and “juge” the sleeves of a jacket so she didn’t look so
dull. I myself would have had a few other suggestions to embellish the outfit
but Elizabeth brought home an unjuged jacket and a pair of trousers that she
could breathe in. I was horrified to find, however, that these were encased in
a garment bag that she immediately hid in the closet. To add insult to injury
there was a pristine white silk blouse in there—my favorite! And what of my other human? It’s March which
is something called “reporting season” which means that Maria is home late
every night so I get to hang out with Elizabeth even more. Elizabeth loves
reporting season.
Tuesday: Tuesday
was even worse than Monday. Elizabeth went to a morning meeting, changed (and
hid those clothes again—I think they would look better if I juged them!) and
was late picking me up for my afternoon walk.
As soon as we got to her apartment she barricaded herself in the
bathroom with the garment bag and ran out before I could even get in a decent
sniff or a fling. Then both my humans were late for my evening walk and they
refused to let me drag them into the ice-covered field that I like but instead
kept pleading with me to stop annoying them for snacks and relieve myself.
These things cannot be rushed.
Highlight of day—walking part of the way to Central Park with my two fawn
Frenchie buddies, Harley and Griffith. Funny how I get mistaken for a mastiff
all the time but never for a Frenchie.
Thursday: Maria
actually showed up for my evening walk so I took both my humans on an evening
visit to Unleashed where I usually take Elizabeth in the afternoons. Elizabeth
showed Maria how I diligently inspect all the merchandise and then extort a
cookie from a staff member. In honor of
both my humans being present, I actually ate the cookie--—usually I extort the
cookie and then spit it out. The important thing is being served the cookie,
not necessarily eating it.
And then we come to Friday where, inspired by my visit to
Unleashed, I took Elizabeth on a visit to Furry Paws. She acquiesced to the
visit to celebrate the fact that I had just pooped and continues to labor under
the misapprehension (all evidence to the contrary) that if she rewards me for
good behavior I will engage in more of it.
Then she took a break from researching the history of mai tai’s to help
write a press release for my brewery, Baying Hound Aleworks. It turns out that
after much hard work and drama the brewery received a license to sell pints of
my fine ale, and will commence doing so in a couple of weeks. So if you
are in the Rockville, Maryland vicinity stop by and have a pint and a chat with
Paul, one of my Honorary Humans, a fervid Hound man and the brewery’s
founder. And Brewdog Bernie (who is
sadly only ¼ bloodhound) might be on hand to contribute some slobber.
So that was my week.
Hope yours was more interesting. Elizabeth did try to alleviate some of
the toe tedium by cooking me a nice pot of chicken and buying me off with a
bully stick, which I immediately took up on the futon and then kept throwing off
so she could retrieve it for me. Like I said, it’s the being served that
counts. And there is talk of actually
making mai tai’s this weekend, but after all the planning it’s bound to be
pretty anticlimactic, especially as I am sure that they taste better when
sitting on a beach in Hawaii instead of in an apartment in Manhattan.
Especially when the glass in Manhattan is garnished with Hound drool instead of
a paper umbrella.
I am now off to officially wait for spring and the chance to
infuriate my humans by ignoring my new kuranda bed and napping on the gravel in
the backyard.
Until next time,
Wimsey, a juge-mental Hound
1 comment:
Take care of that toe. Hope work slows down a bit for your humans so they can attend to your entertainment.
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