Entry #346
April 18, 2014
Hello Everyone, it’s me Wimsey, coming to you from
Manhattan’s Upper West Side where the annoyingly late arrival of spring has
been dwarfed by the annoyances of my humans’ Hound un-friendly schedules. My primary human Maria has been working late
again and had a tummy bug that kept her from my Sunday walk, my secondary human
Elizabeth had two days of conferences (hence short afternoon walks) and a gig
taking a dog to the ASPCA’s annual charity ball (AWOL for my evening walk). I
do not like to have my schedule disrupted and it is not only that I know that I
am owed 4 pieces of duck heart and not 3 pieces of duck heart before I permit
myself to be leashed up, I also know when there are the wrong number of humans
present for my walk. And when that happens I simply refuse to walk and stare
fixedly at the abode of the errant human in full expectation that my stern
glare will cause her to appear. The only good disruption is that Elizabeth’s
camera finally packed it in so I was annoyed considerably less than usual with
picture taking these last couple of weeks.
However Elizabeth is in the doghouse as she is planning on
taking off for a business trip to Geneva at the beginning of May which
displeases me greatly. I expect a cheese at least as in compensation. She has also come to the realization that the
only French she speaks these days is Hound French and she can synthesize such
gems as “Be careful of the drool!” and “ Be careful he will steal your water
bottle!” And “Yes he makes that noise a lot.” Consequently she has been
speaking to me in French to practice, but fortunately I don’t listen to her in
that language either. Being a Chien de St. Hubert means that I am bilingually
Well blogging has been difficult these days because the
computers are being monopolized for the preparation of my art book (coming soon
to you on Amazon!)
So I will be unaccustomedly brief:
Wimsey Headline News
- I managed to “persuade” (read coerce) Elizabeth to let me
get a drink from the bowl at the Apple store, although I was less interested in
the water than in “persuading” the store greeter to scratch me while I leaned
on him to deposit hair and slime. Sadly
I had to be summarily removed from the store for baying at the
merchandise. The acoustics were fabulous
and I disrupted the entire store!
-During the two days that we had of actual warm weather I
was able to get into the back yard to begin eating the plants. That is until
the couple who have the 4th floor balcony overlooking the yard
starting calling my name and I started calling theirs. The yard is surrounded
on all sides by buildings, so whereas the acoustics were not as good as in the
Apple store, I am sure that they were sufficient to disrupt anyone trying to
enjoy a peaceful afternoon at home.
-Although the weather turned cold again the daffodils in
Riverside Park have emerged! This means my morning walks with Maria have turned
into a contest of wills over the matter of my pooping on them. It’s a wonderful way to get warmed up for the
rest of the day’s contest of wills.
- Even though Maria is home for a four day Easter holiday
and Elizabeth was hoping for her own four day Easter holiday (from me) she
still has to come over because I won’t let Maria put ointment in my eyes.
-I engaged in a major flap-a-thon last night which resulted
in a major vet visit today. Apparently my right ear is infected so while the
gunk is being cultured I have to have drops put in. See above.
So now let us return to examine a few more photos relating
to My Obnoxious Hound Behavior:
OK, so maybe sitting with my bum perched on the back of a
park bench is not exactly obnoxious but the fact that I ascend park benches to
delay the progress of a homeward walk and then demand to be fed, is.
So this is me in the squad room of the 20th
precinct with the captain. Why I am I
there? Because I carried on so much and so loudly outside the precinct that the
captain invited me in to shut me up. It was hard to get a picture because of
all the ecstatic wiggling (I used to regularly drag my humans into the station
house so I could indulge my obsession with greeting policemen).
As you can see, this is New York’s Houndiest keeping close
tabs on New York’s Finest. If you look
closely, you will notice that Officer Wendt is baying at me—something that some
of the officers liked to do on the police car bullhorn when they spotted me on
the street.
What’s this? I threw
myself down on a city street in midtown to demand that (at least) one of these
admirers rub my belly!
And a follow up shot of me calling out to someone else for
attention. Or perhaps I just wanted to visit that shop. There are so many reasons for me to bay that
I lose track.
And speaking of which, isn’t this a lovely close-up? This was taken by an AKC photographer when I
was doing a pre-Westminster media meet and greet and Meet the Breeds event
opposite Madison Square Garden.
So why am I baying at this guy? Do you notice how his hands
are behind his back? I will give you a hint of what he’s got back there:
W_ _ _ R B_ T _ _ E. He was reluctant to fork it over owing to
the fact that he felt it was more important for him to stay hydrated than for
me to have some fun. Humans can be so
But then again, not always. Here I am with a water bottle
that was most likely “donated.”
With regard to baying, I have observed that those who don’t
run away screaming in terror, give me stuff.
Here is the pitch….
And the delivery.
Ah, here I am being fed by our friend Nancy’s little
daughter Alicia.
However, that behavior leads to this behavior and my general
view of strollers as mobile snack shops.
This can lead to a lot of explaining (and tight leash control) on the
part of my humans to alarmed parents (“Not to worry, he’s not after your child,
just his food….”).
Now as they say, every picture tells a story. This is Alicia
again feeding me an ice cream pop. Normally I lick the ice cream off the stick
but on this occasion I ever so gently relieved her of the entire thing and
swallowed it whole. This led to frantic
calls to the vet, a dose of oil and what I like to think of as “The Great
Popsicle Poop Watch.” For the next
several days all my gastrointestinal activities were regarded with even more than
the usual intense interest and scrutiny and my eliminatory efforts were poked,
prodded and squeezed to find the offending stick. Nada. After about a week the prevailing theory
became that my digestive tract was imbued with termite-like properties and that
I had digested the thing. Then one day
when Elizabeth came to pick me up for my afternoon walk, there was the stick!
Right on the carpet and completely free of any poop or sign of where it had
been. Clean as a whistle it was. How was this possible? It remains one of the
great Wimsey Mysteries.
Anyway, I hope that you are enjoying these jaunts down
memory lane and that they compensate for the lack of an actual blog post owing
to Wimsey Art Book Activities. Trust me,
we are all hoping that the book gets done soon.
Happy Easter!
Wimsey, louder than the Easter Bunny
I'm so sad that stores around here don't allow dogs (well, OK, the pet supply stores and one farm supply store do...). Nothing as potentially fun as the Apple store or the law enforcement locations. Sounds like fun!
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