Entry #274
August 24, 2012
Hello Everyone, it’s me, Wimsey, coming to you from the
waning days of summer here on Manhattan’s Upper West Side where the shorter,
slightly cooler days have provided ample inducement for me to take lengthier
and more than just slightly annoying walks.
My human Maria and her friend Elizabeth both have ceased lamenting the
hot, heady days of July when getting me out of the air conditioning required
powers of persuasion wholly dependent on fistfuls of cookies. Days when I’d poke
my head out of the door of my apartment building and assume the “Oh hell no!”
attitude so beloved by humans foolish enough to live with bloodhounds.
Now my humans are all “those were the good old days” as I
resume my desire to spent long, lazy afternoons in Central Park preventing Elizabeth
(in whose company I spend my time when Maria is at work) from actually getting anything
of a professional nature accomplished. Particularly
those things that involve the computer and deadlines. And because it is still a
tad too warm for my liking I exhibit a marked (or maniacal depending on your
point of view) interest in visiting the pet shops of the Upper West Side to
cool off and do a little olfactory shopping.
It turns out that there is any excellent itinerary whereby I can visit 4
pet stores on the same walk.
Then there was my afternoon walk depicted in some of this
week’s photos whereby I tried to visit an exhibit at the American Museum of
Natural History Planetarium, tried to break into the 20th Precinct,
met some old friends on the street—one of whom, the Broadway Jewelry Lady--likes
to feed me copious quantities of snacks, then I demanded that Elizabeth buy me
a refreshing cup of Grom Gelato (brought to me personally by the gelatoista as
I am not actually permitted in the store) and finally ran into Pluto my young French bulldog buddy and announced the
fact loudly and at length to the neighborhood at large.
Now apart from violating U.S.
law which clearly states that anything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, I
have to say that I personally have always felt an affinity with this devil may
care prince—he is like the bloodhound of the royal family—charming, not bad to
look at and behaving himself admirably in places like the show ring. But then you turn your back for one second
and wham—strip billiards, Nazi uniforms and the Sunday roast making an assisted
exit out the kitchen door!
And the fact that it was strip billiards and not strip poker
I think lends the incident a distinctly toney, more upscale air---like Colonel
Mustard could have joined the fun at any moment. And something tells me that just as we
bloodhounds conveniently lose our ability to understand the word “sit” when
doing so is inconvenient, Prince Harry’s suffered a similar lapse in his
billiard skills.
Sadly I understand that the prince is being
given a time out in his crate-- royal families, like bloodhound owners,
sometimes suffer from a surfeit in the hilarious antics department. Of course
if he were a French prince instead of an English one his exploits would have
been celebrated and most likely have caused an immediate run on billiard tables
and tickets to Vegas.
I must admit that the first few compresses kind of devolved
into an Xtrme Bloodhound Wrestling competition until I decided that a more
fruitful approach was to demand the non-stop scratching of my favorite spots and
repeated turkey feeding throughout the process. I kind of lie there like the
Grand Hound Pasha being rubbed, and cooed at and fed and having all my wants
attended to. I don’t know if my foot is getting any better but fortunately lick
granulomas are easy enough to create should this one be so inconvenient as to
heal prematurely.
And in addition to wayward Princes whose family clearly has
no sense of humor, the news is also full of the new Mars gizmo Curiosity. I pretty much like everything
about the gadget, but especially its name. I too am curious:
Things I am Curious
I am curious about how many minutes I can play squeaky
tennis ball soccer before Elizabeth yells, “I hate you” and calls Maria to come
pick me up forthwith.
I am curious about how many pet shops I can drag my humans
to in the course of a single walk.
I am curious about how many times my humans can grit their
teeth without breaking them when someone tells them how well behaved I am.
I am curious about how many cups of Grom Gelato I can eat at
one time.
I am curious about how many people I can wake up in the
morning when I announce that I am now going out for my walk.
I am curious about how many pieces of miscellaneous organic
material I can snatch on the street without my humans noticing until they have
to deal with the gastric consequences.
I am curiously about how many small dogs and humans waiting
at cross walks that I can terrorize by baying at the light to turn green.
I am curious about how much time and money my humans spend
to de-drool their walls, furnishings, floors, clothes and hair.
I am curious about the annual cost of beverages wasted
because people dump them so I can play with the bottle.
I am curious about why my humans squeal when I stick my
tongue or my nose in their food.
I am curious about how many turkeys I consume in a week.
Of course my humans are curious too—they would like to know
things like how come I am obsessed with bathing in the Lake in Central Park for
which there is a big fine but have no interest in bathing in any other lake for
which there is no fine.
Anyway, I intend to keep a close watch on the stuff going on
on Mars, principally because it is none of my business, which as a Hound makes
it manifestly and completely my business. I find that the most satisfying
experiences in life involve things that no one thinks are my business except me
(other people’s food, the contents of their bags, the contents of their closets,
the state of their underwear, etc.)
Well I think I will leave it there for this week. I have an urgent date with a squeaky tennis
ball and Elizabeth has a date with a large glass of gin.
Until next time,
Wimsey, The Prince Among Hounds
1 comment:
The crisp weather of fall should arrive soon, then hours and hours of walks will be more fun - for you at least, and that is the point, right?
Hope you'll feel better soon, but not before you get a lot of turkey and TLC.
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