Entry #158
February 26, 2010
Hello Everyone, Wimsey here welcoming you to my own personal winter paradise on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. It’s been snowing here for a few days, although the first day it was more like slushing than snowing. My human Maria and her friend Elizabeth bemoaned the lack of real snow as they crossed slushy lakes with me in tow.
But overnig
ht we did get some real snow so I o
ffer my Friday afternoon Riverside Park snow walk montage. This mont
age was created at
great physical peril to Elizabeth, who in spite of having her new h
igh traction bo
ots and Stabilicer crampons strapped on knew that ta
king one hand off the leash to phot
ograph me was not necessarily conducive to a long an
d healthy life.
When climactic conditions are right I like to engage in an activity that my humans call snowdogging, which is really kind of the canine equivalent of hotdogging. Snowdogging involves me running, jumping, leaping and twirling in the most energetic, idiotic and ridiculous manner possible. It also exposes my humans to all manner of serious injuries. But enough about them, more about me.

Until the snow it was a pretty quiet week here. A little socializing with

Anyway, it occ

Imagine if that dog were in my house
Imagine if there were more of him
Imagine if there were more of him in the city--there really would be no room on the sidewalk not to mention the extra pungent New York summer aroma
Imagine if that dog decided he wanted to eat my sandwich
Imagine if that dog decided to shake his head after eating my sandwich
Imagine what that dog could do to my yard back home
Imagine how difficult it would be to type with a giant Hound head on the keyboard
Imagine what would happen if I turned my back on him while I prepared dinner
Imagine my dry cleaning bills
Imagine the dry cleaning bills of others for which I would have to pay
Imagine choosing clothing based on its drool resistant properties
Imagine how hard it would be to get a good night’s sleep with a Hound snoring in your ear and running on your back
Imagine how insignificant I would feel walking next him
Imagine how it would take an hour to walk three blocks with him because everyone wants to meet him
Imagine what it would feel like not to have a life
Imagine the trips to your doctor
Imagine the trips to his doctor
Imagine the smell
Imagine the dirt
Imagine the hair
Imagine having to live without him
Well you get the idea. I am sure that that mosaic was designed for me. And of course living so close

A Day in the Life (of someone with a Hound is humiliating)
Hard Day’s Night (trying to sleep with a giant Hound using you as a pillow)
A Taste of Honey (a taste is all that’s left)
A World Without Love (orig. title, “A World Without Hounds” but this was deemed too sad)
All I’ve Got To Do (is exercise my Hound until he is too tired to move)
All Things Must Pass (Like the couch, the bed, the chair cushions, your shoes, your gloves, your books, the towels, those fancy sheets, your friends…)
All Together Now (Scream “NO!” Maybe that will work.)
All You Need is Love (No, really all you need is liver)
Any Time At All (I’ll let you rub my belly)
Ask Me Why (I live with this Hound—I’m insane!)
Back in the USSR (is not far enough to get away from me)
Blackbird (Yum)
Can’t Buy me Love (But you can buy me stuffed toys and rawhides instead)
Come and Get It (I’ve got your bra)
Crying, Waiting, Hoping (that my Hound will behave)
Do You Want to Know a Secret (people who live with Hounds aren’t playing with a full deck)
Eight Days a Week (I’ll tow you through the park)
Fixing a Hole (in the couch)
Get Back (He’s eaten too much cheese)
Glad All Over (that people admire my Hound even if they don’t pay any attention to me)
Good Day Sunshine (bad day Hound)
Got to Get You Into My Life (Cesar Millan)
Help! (I’m skiing without skis)
Here Comes the Sun (Hounds like a walk at dawn)
Here There and Everywhere (there’s Hound hair)
Hey Jude (you gonna eat that?)
Hold Me Tight (I see a squirrel)
Honey Don’t (Bay). (I’ll give you whatever you want)
I am the Walrus (that’s why I stole that salmon)
I Call Your Name (But you never come)
I Saw her Standing There (and had to knock her over)
I Should Have Known Better (than to leave that chicken on the counter)
I Wanna Be Your Man (but first get rid of those smelly clothes)
I Want to Hold your Hand (in my slobbery, wet mouth)
If I Fell (not “if”, when)
If I Needed Someone (no one would come because they don’t want to be drooled upon, shed upon and sat upon by a massive Hound)
I’ll be Back (I haven’t finished exploring the laundry bin)
I’ll Follow the Sun (I don’t follow. I lead)
I’ll Get You (Come back here with that!)
I’m a Loser (I just won a Hound)
I’m Happy Just to Dance with You (orig. title “I'm Happy Just to Sit on You”)
I’m Looking Through You (because I am not listening to a thing you say)
I’m Only Sleeping (too bad that I am having a dream that requires snoring, thumping my tail, running, baying and releas
ing noxious gas at the same time)

I’m So Tired (the end of a day with a Hound, who is never tired)
It Wong Be Long (until I find out where you’ve hidden those shoes)
It’s Only Love (orig. title It’s Only Poop”)
I’ve Got a Feeling (that my Hound’s eaten my underwear again)
Johnny B. Goode (and Hound B. Bad)
Lady Madonna (you have to be a saint to put up with me)
Let it Be (stop chasing that cat)
Lovely Rita (won’t be lovely for long after she takes a walk with a drool flinging, mud spewing Hound who pees on parking meters)
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (really stands for LSD or Lovely, Smelly Dog)
Mr. Moonlight (please let my Hound poop so I can get to bed)
No Reply (Because No Listen)
Nowhere Man (Everywhere Hound)
Oh Darling (So sorry my Hound did that to your dress)
Old Brown Shoe (Is all that is left in my closet)
Paperback Writer (original title “Paperback Eater”)
Penny Lane (is where I like to pee)
Please Mr. Postman (don’t put the mail through the slot where the Hound can eat it)
Please, Please Me (not on your life. I please me)
Rocky Raccoon (was delicious)
Roll Over Beethoven (I don’t do tricks)
Run For your life (The Hound is flatulent again)
Searchin (for my stuff that is missin)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band (they wouldn’t be so lonely if they had Hounds)
She Loves You (Glad somebody does, because I don’t. I love me)
She’s a Woman (but she doesn’t smell like one because she lives with a Hound)
She’s Leaving Home (because it’s the only way to get away from me)
Strawberry Fields Forever (But where are those darn strawberries!)
Taxman (Can’t I deduct his vet bills?)
Tell Me What You See (so I can steal it)
Tell Me Why (I am living with this stubborn, stinking, baying maniac?)
The Fool on the Hill (who just got another Hound)
The Long and Winding Road (that I will drag you down and injure you)
Ticket to Ride (to the emergency room)
Till there Was You (I was sane)
Twist and Shout (but I still won’t do what you want)
We Can Work it Out (keep dreaming)
When I’m Sixty Four (I’ll be 448 in dog years)
While My Guitar Gently Weeps (for all the stuff my Hound’s wrecked)
Why Don’t We Do it in the Road (I do everything in the road, but you have to pick it up)
With a Little Help from my Friends (I’ll be able to exercise this Hound so he is too tired to destroy my apartment).
Yellow Submarine (it used to be white)
Yesterday (my Hound ate the couch)
If I’ve forgotten your favorites you can assume that they too are really about Hounds because really, everyt

And this week you might notice yet another picture of me on this bench. It happens to be adjacent to the Conservatory Water snack shop which is open all winter for my dining pleasure. Hence, if I am prevented from accessing it I generally get up on this bench and refuse to move. Everyone thinks this is cute. Except my humans of course who have to dig into their turkey supply to get me (grudgingly) off. But soon it will be Spring and I will once again be furiously towing to the Loeb Boathouse snack shop where I am a big fan of their tuna sandwiches. And of course as Spring approaches my thoughts lightly turn to thoughts of Grom Gelato (where I also have been engaging in periodic sit down strikes).
Anyway, it’s time to go paint the town yellow again and unless I am allowed frequent access to the outdoors to develop my snowdogging skills, I am likely to do a triple axel on someone’s lap.
Until next time,