Entry #362
October 31, 2014
Anyway, this will be a short post since I spent the
afternoon in Central Park where the cool, damp and cloudy conditions were
perfect for a scent obsessed Hound such as myself. Also added to the allure was that people from
all over the world are here for the New York City Marathon and there is
apparently a positive correlation between people who run marathons and people
who love Hounds. Our lengthy park
sojourn also forced Elizabeth to conduct a business call with an important
European client whilst standing in the middle of a large field trying to manage
my activities. Mostly this consisted of puling out snacks to stuff in my mouth
so I wouldn’t bay (too much) and gesticulating towards her headset when people tried
to chat with her about me. 
But we interrupt this blog post for:
Breaking News: A
Special Report from CNN
Wolf Blitzer:
Hello and thanks for joining us. I am Wolf Blitzer joined by Anderson Cooper here
in New York City covering a fast breaking story! We are foregoing our usual coverage of
gruesome wars and natural disasters to report that New York has been invaded by
a pack of Hound Zombies!
Wolf: I don’t think
so, but we can always hope!
Anderson: How
would you quarantine Zombies? I can’t see them agreeing to stop eating human
flesh for 3 weeks. Wouldn’t that kill them?
Wolf: Good point,
but aren’t they already dead? Let’s ask the Mayor?
Wolf: No, they
have a new one.
Mayor De Blasio:
This is Bill De Blasio the mayor who doesn’t have a house in Bermuda. But my
Brooklyn house did rent for $ 5,000 a month.
Anderson: Really?
Just $5,000 for an entire house in New York?! Does it have a roof? But I digress. We want to ask about the plan for
quarantining these Ebola- infected Zombies that have invaded New York City.
Mayor De Blasio:
Oh no! The Zombies have Ebola too! Nobody tells me anything! And it’s hard
enough getting those doctors and nurses to go into quarantine!
Anderson: So can
we infer that the city has failed to develop protocols for dealing with Ebola
carrying Zombies?
Anderson: But
diarrhea is not nearly as exciting as a Lethal Hemorrhagic Virus!
Wolf: Well so far
it seems that they are feasting on couches and used panties. And garbage. A lot
of garbage.
Anderson: That doesn’t
sound like typical Zombie behavior. Have you checked your sources Wolf?
Wolf: Hold it
Anderson! This just in! It’s not a pack
of Zombie Hounds, it’s a pack of regular Hounds!
Anderson: How
could they make such a mistake Wolf?
Anderson: Well
that’s disappointing. Clearly they are not Hound people. But we still have
Major De Blasio on the line! He must be good for some news.
Wolf: Tell us Mr.
Mayor, what is your position on ferrets?
Well Halloween would not be complete without a scary Zombie
story would it? And while we are at it,
why don’t we look in on Dick and Jane and see how they are doing on Halloween:
See Dick. See Jane. It is Halloween.
“I like Halloween!” said Dick
“I like Halloween! “Said Jane
See Dick’s Hound. Dick’s Hound also likes Halloween.
“I am going to be Batman!” said Dick
“I am going to be a princess!” said Jane.
Dick’s Hound is going to be a Hound.
“I like to trick or treat!” said Dick
“I like to trick or treat!” said Jane.
Dick’s Hound also likes to trick or treat.
It is a dark night.
“I am scared of the dark,” said Jane.
“Do not worry Jane,” said Dick. “My Hound will protect us.”
See Dick and Jane go trick or treating.
See Dick ring a neighbor’s door bell, “Ring, Ring!’
“Hello children” said the neighbor.
“I am Batman!” said Dick
“I am a princess!” said Jane
“Trick or treat!” say Dick and Jane.
“Who is that?” asked the neighbor.
“That is my Hound,” said Dick.
“His costume is the best,” said the neighbor
See Jane cry.
“Here is some candy children,” said the neighbor.
“Look at all the candy!” said Dick.
“Look at all the candy! said Jane.
See Dick’s Hound. See Dick’s Hound look at all the candy.
See Dick’s Hound drool. Dick’s Hound likes candy. Dick’s Hound is bigger than
Dick. Dick’s Hound is bigger than Jane.
See Dick and Jane cry.
See Dick’s mother. See Jane’s mother.
“Will the children eat too much sugar?” asks Jane’s mother
“No” replies Dick’s mother. “Dick and Jane will not eat any
sugar,” she says.
Anyway, I think I will leave it there for now. I have a marathon
to rest up for. A marathon of what is the question—and one that is best left to
the imagination.
Until next time,
Wimsey, Halloween Hound