Entry #316
August 23, 2013
Hello Everyone, it’s me Wimsey, back at last and manning (or
dogging) my usual post on Manhattan’s Upper West Side where August feels more
like June which felt more like August. However,
while the rest of the world takes August easy my human Maria and her friend
Elizabeth are inundated with professional responsibilities which means that I
am inundated with Houndly responsibilities-- principal among them is to make
sure that amidst all the busy-ness my needs remain paramount. So bear with my
spotty reportage in August.
Let’s see, Maria has to work late pretty much every night in
August and when she works really late, I get to stay over with Elizabeth so I
can be properly companioned and looked after.
This is always a great deal of fun if for no other reason that I like to
pit the gaseous contents of my digestive tract (I like to sleep with my nether bits pointed
at her head) against the sleep inducing powers of Ambien. When they invent a pill that can keep someone
asleep while they are being asphyxiated with Hound gas I want to invest in that
company. In the meantime, August is not yet over and there remains every hope
that I can hang out with Elizabeth again and force her to cook for me and then
disrupt her sleep with the results.
Elizabeth, on the other hand, suddenly had two new projects
come in at once so she too, is very busy which means that it is my duty to take
up as much of her time as possible and to squeak my Hedgie during important
telephone call (which by definition are actually not important telephone calls
because they are not about me). Part of her time, however, is spent playing
around with her new Samsung Galaxy S4 phone that she acquired to keep her
Blackberry Z10 company.
She is
threatening to turn her fax number into an iPhone 6 which means that Maria and
I are threatening to enroll her in a 12-step program for gadget and gizmo
addiction. Of course she has been using
the new device to take some nifty pictures of me which allows for some degree
of mitigation. And she had a real
chuckle when the phone salesman tried to talk her into a hugely expensive
screen protector since, expensive or not, it would offer no protection against
that which it needs protection against. Namely, me and my copious secretions,
both salivary and follicular.

Now as you can imagine, my humans get along quite well
because the principle mission of both their lives is me. However, they do disagree from time to time.
Lately this involves Maria’s use of the word “spoiled” in reference to me.
Elizabeth dislikes this word (probably because she is the one doing the lion’s
share of the spoiling) because it implies that something that was once good is
no longer so and she doesn’t think that this applies to me. She prefers the
word entitled.
The Hound insists on chewing his crunchy, crumbly ostrich
bone at the edge of the futon and then staring at his human to retrieve it for
him when he shoves it off. Repeatedly.
After the Hound has had a session with his ostrich bone his
human must carefully vacuum up all the sharp pieces that he has distributed
throughout the apartment. The only time
that his human feels comfortable depriving him of the ostrich bone is when she is
giving him a bully stick.
The Hound’s human has to squeeze herself into the tiny space
allotted to her on the bed when the Hound decides to sprawl the wide way.
If the Hound is occupying the entire couch, his human
watches TV on the floor.
If the Hound is occupying the entire bed, his human sleeps
on the couch.
The Hound greets his human by exposing his belly for her to
After being leashed up for a walk the Hound climbs onto the
couch repeatedly so he can be bribed off of it again.
Hound will not eat cups of gelato or yogurt that are placed on
the ground for him—he insists that his human spoon-feed him.
The Hound’s humans routinely carry 4 or 5 different types of
snacks for him and the Hound spits them out until he finds the one that he
The Hound’s human is forced to visit the bank when she has
no banking business because the Hound likes their cookies.
The Hound’s human is forced to visit the Boat Basin Café
when she doesn’t want to eat or drink anything because the Hound likes their
The Hound’s human is forced to visit all the pet shops in
the neighborhood when she has nothing to buy because the Hound likes their
The Hound’s human scours the Internet for products that will
interest the Hound when she should be doing other things, like earning a living.
The human’s coat is crammed into a corner because the
Hound’s wardrobe monopolizes the hallway coat hooks.
The Hound’s water bowl must be refilled after each use
because he doesn’t like drool in his water.
The Hound’s human wears a sweater indoors in the summer
because the Hound likes the AC turned down low.
The Hound’s humans make a trip to the Farmer’s Market and
the only things they buy are freeze-dried duck hearts and ostrich strips.
The Hound has his own credit card for all the charges that
he likes to run up at the vet’s.
When on a road trip humans must limit the size and amount of
baggage that they bring because the Hound’s stuff takes up most of the room in
the large SUV that they were forced to rent to accommodate it.
If you have it, the Hound wants it. If the Hound wants it he
gets it.
Well, those are just a few examples of how to determine if
your Hound is entitled. There are as
many other examples of Hound entitlement as there are Hounds. But no one spoiled us. We come that way.
Well I think I will leave it there for this week. I have a busy weekend of being entitled.
Until next time,
Wimsey, an Unspoiled Hound