Entry #264
June 8, 2012
Hello Everyone, it’s me Wimsey, coming to you from the
slinger soaked precincts of New York’s Upper West Side where the ground isn’t the
only thing that gets soggy during our intermittent spring rains. As you can
see, I am always ready to add to the city’s moisture quotient on the ground, in
the air and especially on people’s faces.
Well this week provided yet more evidence of human frailty.
Although my primary human Maria remains hale and hearty her friend Elizabeth is
down with a bad cold. She claims that is the reason she is lying around on the
couch watching tennis on TV and downing copious quantities of aspirin.
Personally, I think she needs very little incentive to lie
on the couch watching fit men run around in shorts and as far as the aspirin,
our afternoons together provide more than enough reason to be hitting this
particular bottle with some frequency.
And speaking of
hitting the bottle, I actually got to pay a visit to Beacon Liquors, home of
all things gin, owing to the fact that I was wearing my Heinous Gentle Leader
and Elizabeth was experiencing a Jack Daniels emergency related to the drinking
of the stuff in hot tea with lemon before going to bed. (Elizabeth says the cold is making her
miserable but I think she is having a pretty good time all things considered).
Of course Maria was aghast when she heard that I had gone into Beacon Liquors,
because although dogs are theoretically permitted, she doesn’t think the
entrance of a Giant Hound, throwing around drool and stink and making use of a
relentlessly investigative nose is exactly what the proprietors had in
mind. The stock guys were pretty
impressed though as they watched me run my nose up and down the merchandise; I
heard the word “perro’ quite a bit and only one customer looked at me with that
look that indicated that she would rather one of us was elsewhere.
And when Elizabeth complains about her cold to Maria during
the hours when I am not with her, Maria offers to send me over to act as
“nurse.” Unfortunately, Elizabeth objects to my dynamic nursing style which
generally consists of waiting until she’s taking a nap, then treating myself to
a refreshing and noisy drink of water, then standing next to her, then flapping
my ears loudly so she is the recipient of the excess water and then sticking my
drippy and drooly muzzle in her face to wipe off the rest of the moisture. Then I demand to be scratched seeing as she
is already up. I don’t really approve of afternoon naps unless I am the one
taking them. And it is my belief that going out with me in the fresh air and
the sunshine (or the rain and the damp) is bound to be good for her cold and is
certainly more useful than lying around on the couch watching tennis.
Which brings me to an announcement that I was asked to make
by Hounds Cooper and Casey about bloodhound puppies being available at For-Ever
Home Bloodhound Sanctuary in Louisiana. http://www.for-everhomebloodhoundsanctuary.com/
But when you look at those cute little wrinkly faces, remember—they will grow
up to be me! Fully-fledged, card
carrying, drool flinging, don’t care what you want Wimseys! And lest you think
that tales of bloodhound madness and mayhem are exaggerated, trust me, they are
not. In point of fact there are bloodhound savvy humans who believe that, all
things considered, I am actually quite well behaved. For a bloodhound. And we
are time sinks and money sinks and Elizabeth thinks bloodhounds are a plot
foisted on humanity by the liquor industry which means we’re probably not all
that great for your liver either. But we
are very cute.
And this week I almost had a visit from our friend (I always
say “our” to make my humans feel better, but the reality is that these people
are my friends—nobody would care about them were it not for me) Tom Schreck who
was in town to promote his latest book, The
Vegas Knockout, the current entry in his series of mysteries (all available
on Amazon) that of course have a Hound as a character (in this case a basset). Tom himself, in addition to being an author
and an international boxing official, is also a mixed Hound man—he’s got
bassets and bloodhounds. All he needs is
a beagle for the trifecta (or the loony bin). I always think people who have Hounds are exceptionally
talented and resourceful—probably because they have to be to live with us.
Anyway, he ended up leaving New York a day early so I did not get to deposit
drool on him, but check out his books—they’re delicious!
Now as an international Hound about town I want to comment
about events across the pond. Although it was an ordinary week here in the U.S.
it was Jubilee Week in the UK and the advent of the much-anticipated thousand
ship royal flotilla on the Thames. Now
it seems The Palace envisioned a magnificent pageant of festive vessels with
millions of admiring citizens lining the banks disporting themselves at lavish,
jolly picnics in the warm June sunshine.
They just seem to have forgotten one thing: the event was to take place
in England. There is a reason that
visitors are advised to carry umbrellas at all times (and as far as the
temperature, Elizabeth remembers being on a British Airways flight one August
when the pilot announced that the temperature in London had risen above 70
degrees and the plane erupted in cheers). But as a long serving monarch myself (although
of the more absolute variety no longer permitted in civilized circles) I think
that a royal Hound flotilla on the Hudson would be a much better idea:
CNN Special Report: Hound
Jubilee on the Hudson
Wolf Blitzer:
Good morning and thank you for joining us. I’m Wolf Blitzer along with my
colleague Anderson Cooper and today we once again take a break from showing you
all the gory things that are going on the world and all the gory things that
might be going on in the world and all the gory things that have gone on in the
world to present the American public with some ratings-enhancing fluff dreamed
up by the producers.
Anderson Cooper: I thought we were going to London!
Anderson: Well I
suppose we can always hope that some unexpected violence might break out. Perhaps
Mayor Bloomberg will cause a riot by outlawing hamburgers larger than 4 ounces
or by throwing people with BMIs of more than 25 in jail. And at least here it’s not cold and rainy. So what’s going on?
Wolf: Wimsey is
celebrating his Jubilee with a flotilla on the Hudson!
Anderson: But
he’s not old enough for a Diamond Jubilee.
Wolf: Hounds
don’t celebrate Diamond Jubilees, Anderson; they celebrate Peed on Rugs
Jubilees and Chewed Up Shoes Jubilees and Stolen Sunday Roast Jubilees.
Anderson: Well
what Jubilee is Wimsey celebrating?
Wolf: The Deaf Jubilee. Although strictly speaking
Wimsey does manage to hear phrases such as “Does Wimsey want a cookie?” and
“Can I give him part of my sandwich?” so it’s more accurately a Selective
Hearing Jubilee.
Anderson: And is
that the Royal Hound Barge coming down the Hudson?
Wolf: That’s right.
His throne is in the shape of a couch.
Anderson: But
what’s that he’s sitting on?
Wolf: Those are
his humans. Wimsey doesn’t like the tush feel of cushions. He prefers to sit on
people. Also it makes it more convenient for them to scratch him.
Anderson: And
what’s the next boat?
Wolf: Well all
the boats honor Hounds, so this one is devoted to chewed up leather goods—your
shoes, your gloves, your belts that $2,000 jacket you saved up for…
Anderson: Wow.
It’s quite a sight. But the next boat
just seems to be piles of feathers and fluff.
Wolf: That is the
boat of pillows and cushions. Or at least what is left of them. And the boat that follows was once a library.
Anderson: I wish
my shredder did such a good job! But what’s that next boat? It looks like it’s
filled with people drinking Champagne?
Wolf: That’s the
New York Association of Veterinarians.
Anderson: But
that next boat is pretty. It looks like
it’s filled with greenery.
Wolf: It is. It’s all the landscaping that’s been dug up.
Anderson: But
there must be thousands of dollars worth there!
Wolf: More like
tens of thousands worth.
Anderson: I guess
this is more entertaining than watching the royal family freeze because they
refuse to put on coats. But this next boat just looks like construction site
Wolf: It is now,
but once it was actual drywall, and floors and plumbing—people’s homes
Anderson: Someone
should sell Hound insurance.
Wolf: No one
could afford it. I mean look at all
those boats filled with rugs and furniture and bedding not to mention all the
clothing and underwear. And I am not
even counting all the foodstuffs that go missing. No wonder the royal family
has corgis and not Hounds. The British taxpayers
would never stand for footing the bill for the all the damage!
Anderson: Unlike
all the Americans who do. But why do they do it? I mean aren’t there more
productive ways to spend one’s money than on Hounds?
Wolf: Not
according to Wimsey. And of course Hounds are very cute.
Anderson: But so
am I and no one would stand for me wrecking their stuff and monopolizing their lives. OK, I am a celebrity, so maybe the just
wrecking their stuff part.
Wolf: Well you know
Anderson, America is a country of optimists. Sure the Hound smells and bays and
flings drool all over the walls and ceiling and doesn’t listen to you and
shoves you off the furniture and steals your food and chews up your
possessions. But that’s today. Tomorrow
he could be different. And if not, there’s always the Tanqueray.
Anderson: I guess
it’s the same optimistic spirit that plans a multi-million dollar, all day
outdoor extravaganzas in a country where it rains all the time.
Wolf: Yes, we owe
a lot to our British heritage. Some
people could call us foolish. We call it
a Special Relationship.
Well you get the idea.
And speaking of special relationships, Pluto the little Frenchie came
for a visit yesterday so instead of lying on the couch watching tennis (or
working on the project that she was supposed to be working on) Elizabeth got to
be Dog Wrestling Referee. Sadly there are
no pictures as Elizabeth had to focus all her attention on making sure that I didn’t
commit any illegal maneuvers, like pinning or thwacking him with my giant paws
or actually biting down on his head when it’s in my mouth. Fortunately I possess excellent small dog
wrestling skills and wrestling with Pluto confirms me in my belief (generally evinced when sitting in my humans’
laps) that I really am a small dog. And of course as soon as Pluto arrived I
felt suddenly and inexplicitly compelled to eat the bowl of kibble that I had
been ignoring all afternoon and then to have another few cups for good
measure. Nothing is quite as satisfying
as crunching kibble while the little fellow watches. And it was nice to have company whilst
accompanying Elizabeth to the bathroom.
Anyway, I think I will leave it there for this week. The Tonys are taking place this Sunday across
the street from me at the Beacon Theater and I am hoping to slime a few stage
actors instead of the regular kind.
Until next time,
Wimsey, A large,
bratty, entitled dog who thinks he is a small, bratty, entitled dog
Wow, only pet supply stores allow dogs around here! Going to a store full of breakable glass bottles sounds interesting.
Great to hear that Tom has another book out. He is a terrific friend to rescue, he donated books to our annually fundraiser for North Texas Basset Hound Rescue. Love his books, and I will certainly get his newest.
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