Entry #299
March 22, 2013
Hello Everyone, it’s me Wimsey coming to you from the frigid
Arctic North-- or what passes for it on Manhattan’s Upper West Side where that
groundhog has a lot to answer for. But I
guess that asking a rodent to predict the weather is like asking a Hound to
help fix dinner—if you trust him then you have to be prepared for the
consequences. And around here the
consequences are the continuation of my human Maria and her friend Elizabeth’s
elegant Michelin Man winter attire and endless, tedious discussions about how
many layers to put on.
We are clearly going to have a chilly Easter but that suits
me fine since it reduces the probability of the occurrence of an Undesirable
Bath Event. What it does not reduce is my desire to spend
time outside, freezing humans or no, so today’s post will be short owing to the
fact that I was, shall we say, a tad reluctant to leave the park this afternoon. There were ducks and geese on the lake that
were simply too mesmerizing for such an avid student of poultry like myself.
Anyway, it’s been another week of outstanding veterinary
splendor around here. I began paying an
unhealthy amount of attention to my front left foot last Friday causing my
humans to hustle me off to the vet on Saturday (the vet was kind enough to
squeeze me in, a misnomer if ever there was one, as I, a creature of majestic proportions,
am generally the one who squeezes people in—or off, if they are on the bed or
the couch. But I digress).
Anyway, Easter is almost upon us so I think it is a suitable
time for another episode of:
Dick and Jane and the
Easter Hound
See Dick.
See Jane.
See Dick and Jane hunt for Easter eggs.
See the Easter Hound.
See the Easter Hound also hunt for Easter eggs.
The Easter eggs are hard to find.
The Easter eggs are hidden.
Dick cannot see the Easter Eggs
Jane cannot see the Easter eggs
The Easter Hound cannot see the Easter eggs.
He can smell them.
See Dick put an Easter egg in his basket.
See Jane put an Easter egg in her basket.
See The Easter Hound put an Easter egg in his mouth.
See the Easter Hound put Dick’s Easter egg in his mouth.
See the Easter Hound put Jane’s Easter egg in his mouth.
See the Easter Hound put all the Easter eggs in his mouth.
“Oh no!” says Dick.
“Oh no!” says Jane.
“But we still have jellybeans and peeps in our baskets” says
“Jellybeans and peeps taste much better than Easter eggs,”
says Jane.
See Dick.
See Jane.
Dick and Jane do not have Easter baskets.
See the Easter Hound.
The Easter Hound has eaten the Easter baskets.
See Dick cry.
See Jane cry.
The Easter Hound has thrown up all over Dick and Jane.
The Easter Hound has given Dick and Jane back their Easter
Everyone is happy.
Except Dick and Jane.
The End
And as is the case every year I hope for a visit from the
Easter Bunny. Preferably in a pot. And in other news my brewery, Baying Hound
Aleworks is competing in a Washington Post March Madness Beer Competition. The brewery has entered Long Snout Stout and
you can vote for it by going to http://www.washingtonpost.com/beer-madness?hpid=z6
clicking on Long Snout Stout and then clicking on the vote tab. Although personally I don’t believe that I
have a long snout at all. My snout is
perfect. Like the rest of me.
Well I think I will leave it there for this week. I will try not to leave all the birthday
indulgence go to my head. Or not.
Until next time,
Wimsey, a Super Soaker
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a great birthday! Glad to hear that your humans made sure you had a good time. (no waffle trucks around here, not sure what I could beg for when my birthday comes around).
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