Entry #312
July 20, 2013
Hello Everyone, it’s me, Wimsey coming to you from the hot,
humid and Houndy precincts of Manhattan’s Upper West Side where the question on
everyone’s mind is how am I coping with the unfavorable climactic conditions
currently afflicting our little island. This question is posed endlessly to
both my humans—Maria who is my primary human and her friend Elizabeth with whom
I spend my time when Maria is off fruitlessly trying make enough of a living to
keep up with my high living Houndy ways.
No one cares about how they are coping with the heat, regardless of how
much sweat is pouring off of them or how close to heat exhaustion they
look. But then again New Yorkers always
have their priorities right.
Mostly though, I hang out inside chewing bully sticks,
eating cold, mashed yam and waiting for it to be autumn again. My humans have
their own heat coping methods, largely involving two different but equally
ridiculous fashion strategies: Maria has decided that since she will sweat
through and ruin anything she wears (and what she doesn’t sweat through I will
smear my copious muddy drool on) it’s best to emulate Stanley Kowalski and wear
a white Hanes t-shirt topped off with some baggy jeans to promote air flow. It
is as stunning a look as it sounds. In contrast,
Elizabeth has decided to go the skimpy route, buying a collection of tank tops
to wear over a short skirt. Unfortunately
in order to safely walk me she also has to wear sneakers so she resembles
nothing so much as a 15-year-old girl about to play the back nine. It’s a sad commentary on my humans’ fashion
sense when I am the best dressed one of the trio.
Strength: Strength
is related to how fast a Hound who has evinced an interest in a passing
squirrel can pull over his human. Also to the number of feet/second that he can
drag them. Additionally, strength is related to the number and size of the humans
he can knock over because they happen to be in his line of scent and also to
the amount of force (in newtons) that he can exert when shoving his human off
of the bed. Another measure of strength is related to the number of pounds per
square inch of earth a Hound can move when excavating in the garden.
Speed: Speed is
related to how fast a Hound in possession of a desirable item such as your
lunch or an $80 bra can run to evade capture as well as how fast he can arrive
in the kitchen in response to the opening of the refrigerator door.
Cuteness is related to how many people per minute stop on the street to admire
the Hound, to photograph him and to share their food and water bottles with him.
Cuteness is also measure of the continued viability of the Hound after he has eaten
the couch and has had the contents of the garbage bin for dessert.
For other kinds of dogs, cuteness is an asset. For a Hound
it is a necessity. And I can find ways to be disruptive even when I am
asleep. For instance, I can make quite a
racket even whilst taking a supposedly peaceful nap on the bed. In addition to
producing snores, the decibel level of which requires noise-canceling
headphones, I can create quite a ruckus by raking my giant talons across a
sheet while running in my sleep and by thumping my heavy weight tail on the
mattress. I like to insure that the only one having a peaceful nap is me. As
I’ve said many times before, Hound people are special people--they have even
fewer neurons than their Hounds.
And speaking of being short a few neurons, apparently the
folks at NASA are devastated (no, not because they weren’t the ones who
discovered that a planet is colored blue) but because Congress won’t grant them
billions of dollars to land a person on an asteroid and collect some dirt. Just imagine the crowned heads of Europe
funding the Age of Exploration so that Columbus and his cronies could bring
back a bucket of loam and maybe a rock or two.
And I speak as a Hound with an abiding interest in dirt—the rolling
around in which and distribution of throughout my abode is a never ending
source of satisfaction to me and a never-ending source of the need to buy
cleaning supplies to my humans. Of
course in this heat wave it is more likely to be mud that I am tracking around
which I know we all very much enjoy.
Anyway, I am off to plot walk avoidance strategies and to
figure out how to outrun my cooling coat.
Until next time,
Wimsey, a Cool Hound
1 comment:
Speed can also be noted when a hound wants to get into a space that they should not be in. Opening a door just a crack is to be considered an invitation for me to suddenly sprint through to the other room!
Of course, I will then realize I don't want to be in that room anyway and will shove my way back. Ha!
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