February 14, 2014
Hello Everyone, it’s me, Wimsey, coming to you from the
snowy precincts of Manhattan’s Upper West Side where, yet again, a Weather
Channel induced frenzy heralded the arrival of some pretty mundane winter
weather. And much to the chagrin of my human Maria and her friend Elizabeth, I
appear to be the only canine in the ‘hood who is not sporting either booties or
Pawz on my delicate bear claws. I much prefer to lift my salt and snow encrusted
tootsies and let my humans wipe away the salt and snow. This works much better
than booties and makes it far more comfortable to walk. At least for me.
Well it’s been an exciting few weeks around here—what with
Elizabeth crazed about finishing a project that got behind while she dawdled
pointlessly in Maui for her birthday and the snowy weather and The Westminster
Kennel Club Dog Show, etc. But before I forget, I want to wish you all a Happy
Valentine’s Day and want you all to know just how much I love me. I hope you do
too because I have serious doubts about the depth of affection of my humans. I realized this last week when Maria told a
woman that, as a bloodhound, I can never be let off my leash safely and that I
don’t go to the dog run, either. The woman snorted and told my humans that I
have a terrible life (New Yorkers are never shy about expressing their opinions,
especially where it concerns other people’s dogs or kids). But I was ecstatic!
Finally a human who recognizes how terrible my life really is!
Reasons Why I,
Wimsey, Have a Terrible Life
Elizabeth never puts enough butter on my baked yams.
Maria feeds me regular organic vanilla yogurt for breakfast
instead of the creamier Greek kind.
Grom Gelato closed.
The snack assortment that my humans carry to feed me on my
walks never has the one that I want.
When I am in the bathtub Elizabeth takes far too many breaks
from feeding me turkey to wash me.
Maria hogs the bed and some nights insists on occupying it
even though there is no room for her.
Elizabeth always wants to cut my park perambulations short
after two hours to go back to work.
My pet shop tours to sample the cookies and inspect the
merchandise are limited to two a week.
Maria often sits around for an entire minute before changing
my water when I drool in it.
Elizabeth’s couch is uncomfortable.
My humans’ laps are too small.
Raincoats, winter coats and cooling coats.
No one ever wants to join me for a dip in the Lake in Central
My humans insist on picking up my poop even though it took
me hours to find just the right spot for it.
My humans call me “Sir” when they know very well that I
prefer “Your Highness.”
My humans neglect me terribly and then blame in on things like
having to eat, sleep, bathe or earn a living.
And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. And speaking of icebergs, the weather last
week turned my favorite fields in Riverside Park into deeply pitted icescapes.
All the boot tracks and footprints froze making walking through them a
treacherous exercise in balance and foot placement-- so naturally that’s where
I want to walk. I love to go from hole to hole having a good sniff in each one
and if my humans topple over, so much the better. And when I take a break from
going from ice hole to ice hole I go from snow bank to snow bank instead,
rolling in each one. In addition to being fun and so much more interesting than
relieving myself, snow rolling has the added benefit of defeating much of the
purpose of my new, pricey, imported winter coat.

And speaking of Westminster, my humans were ringside for the
breed judging and as usual had traumatic flashbacks to my days in the show ring
when I chose to put my own unique stamp on the activity, much to their
consternation. Indeed my loud and dynamic showing style is the stuff of legend-
especially the time that I gaited around the ring with my nose pressed to the
ground so that I could track the steps of my beloved Phoebe (Ch. Soonipi’s
Dancin’ in the Moonlight) and finished my once around with my nose up her
backside. I then insisted on stacking backwards so I could gaze adoringly into
her exquisitely droopy face. She showed her approbation of all this by looking regal
and by not biting me on the nose which, was her accustomed way of dealing with
pesky male suitors. And let’s just say
that when I was being shown you did not have to actually see me to know that I
was there.
But my checkered show career (including three Westminsters!)
was not for want of my humans trying. Every day Elizabeth would bundle up a
huge pile of cavalettis, put them into a shopping cart and then haul them to
Riverside Park to meet Maria and me. This was an attempt to teach me all about
the joys of trotting nicely like a show dog instead of pacing not nicely like a
Frankendog. Unfortunately all Elizabeth
succeeded in teaching me was how to pace over cavalettis (a difficult, but
masterable skill, especially when she kept changing the spacing to thwart my
efforts) while baying loudly and poking her in the side to disgorge liver. But
the neighborhood found it very entertaining to watch and to listen to and I
cleaned up in the liver department. Sadly it was later determined that liver
was too “high value” since instead of encouraging learning it merely encouraged
baying. But the cavalettis were useful for chewing on.
But I digress. So the ladies went to Westminster, and not
for the first time thought that it was very unfair that bloodhounds are
supposed to gait with their heads up when our natural instinct is to gait with
our heads down. And if our heads are up it is because we are air scenting and
then we are moving them side-to-side, which is also not desirable in the show
ring. But I would go further than that and say that many changes are called for
since we bloodhounds have many fine instincts.
For instance, why could we not gait with a whole, stolen
roast chicken in our mouths? Or perhaps with a nice brassiere or a pair of used
panties? And why should we stand in that
ridiculous pose that no Hound ever assumes when the judge could just as easily check
that our feet were well knuckled up, that our ribs were well sprung and that
our bits were all present and accounted for while we are lying on our backs
demanding a belly rub-a position that a Hound always assumes. Also, the judge could determine firsthand
that our forelegs were straight and large in bone when we thwacked him with
them when he stopped scratching. And
surely the amount of drool that we should be allowed to fling on the judge
would be a fine testament to the depth of our flews. And instead of free
stacking I would propose instead one of my own favorite pioneering innovations,
the stalk stack, wherein one front and one back leg are extended and the body
is lowered much as it is when there is a squirrel that needs to be surprised. This affords the judge a much better view of
both our topline and our expression of wisdom, solemnity and power since the
sneaking up of on squirrels is a matter of the utmost gravity. And since the
bloodhound is supposed to be affectionate and not quarrelsome with other dogs I
think socializing should be encouraged, particularly with the Lady Hounds and
those dogs without nipped noses should be deemed the most attractive.

But of course the Hound of the Hour was Rocket
Man’s brother, Nathan (GCH Flessner's International S’Cess). The ladies had the good fortune to run into
his owner- handler, Heather, a few years ago at a show in Harrisburg when she
had the bad fortune to have a dog kenneled near me. Let us just say that I was
very vocal about the unfairness of having to sit in my crate when confined and
very vocal about the unfairness of not being able to socialize freely when not
confined. Earplugs not included.
the ladies chatted with Heather after Nathan’s spectacular win in the Hound
Group and she was just as surprised as anyone. She was of course extremely
pleased to have made the cut and when the judge moved Nathan into the first
spot right before it became official she was in such shock that she thought, “Well,
it’s not over yet.”
Well I think I will leave it there for this week as
I have much to think about. There was a
comment left on one of my Facebook posts that suggested that my lying in the
middle of a path in Riverside Park must have embarrassed my humans. This got me
thinking about how minor an embarrassment that was compared to all the other things
that I’ve done to them. But such pleasant reminiscences will have to wait---I still
have all the grievances of my terrible life to nurse. Less chicken, more quail!
Until next time,
1 comment:
Excellent post, as always.
My humans shuddered a bit when they read the part about the stalk stack and squirrels. When they see me react that way (IF they notice in time - ha!), they know that they should brace to avoid a possible shoulder de-location.
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